The Ordinary - Niacinmaide 10% + Zinc 1% and 100% Plant Derived Squalane

September 12, 2017

I know I don’t need to introduce this brand anymore because it’s anything but Ordinary. It has made people who weren't even into skincare get back into it and I appreciate that about them. It's always refreshing when a brand creates so much buzz and for good reason. However, after trying these products out for a month, I’ve come to the conclusion that I still want to write about these two used as a duo. I am not the best at explaining scientific skincare terms or ingredients except alcohol because I’ve had such bad experience with it but I can speak from my experience. I think I’ve given it a fair chance to form an opinion on it. If you have combination skin and want to try something from this brand then keep on reading.

Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%
Price: $9.80

This particular product is meant for reducing blemishes and congestion in the skin and balance sebum levels which sounds ideal for my skin. My problem areas are hyperpigmentation on the sides of my face from the sun and large pores, excess oil production. This product is a cloudy white fluid on the viscous side and only a drop or two comes out with each pump. I need only 2 drops for my entire face and I use it only at night. I focus it on my Tzone, jaw line and the sides of the face. It is recommended to use it in the morning and night but I only do it at night because I need something really moisturizing on top of it but that doesn’t fit into my morning routine. If you use Vitamin C at night, the Ordinary website recommends using this one in the morning only.

I’ve noticed my hyperpigmentation getting lighter and some marks that were left behind by previous breakouts have also faded. I noticed it in a recent selfie that I took where I wasn’t wearing any foundation, just light makeup and I saw that the dark spots on my side face aren’t noticeable anymore. I won’t say they’ve completely gone away yet but I’ve definitely seen fading on the pigmentation that I've had for months now and nothing else has worked on it. This tiny bottle is not even 1/6th way down and I hope once I’ve used the whole bottle, they will disappear. It blurs the pores when I apply this but I found that to be a temporary effect so far and my pores go back to how they were in the morning.

Buy it : HERE & HERE


100% Plant-Derived Squalane
Price : $12.90

This little bottle of facial oil is simply amazing. The only facial oil that’s light enough to be used on combination skin without feeling too oily, or breaking out my super sensitive skin. It works very well on top of the Niacinamide and that’s how I use it every single day. I find it’s a little bit oily for me to use during the day but if you have dry skin, this will be a saviour for you. It gives my skin that deep moisturisation throughout the night and wake up with glowy skin every time. My cheeks feel extremely smooth and my dry patches have become softer ever since I started using it. I love that it is fragrance free and I only need 2-3 drops for my entire face. 

It is suitable for all skin types and can also be used on hair. Also, a very important point to note is this product is derived from plant sources and not from a shark’s liver. I didn’t know what Squalane was but with research I found out that it is a compound derived from Shark liver oil which is something we hear about in skincare and healthcare but this is a great vegan option. Using the Niacinmide only can make my skin feel a little stretchy so I love layering this one on top and they both make the perfect combination in my skincare routine. 30ml is an amazing quantity too for a facial oil while high end brands only give about 15-20ml for double the price of this.

Buy it : HERE & HERE

Have you tried any of their products? What Ordinary products combination do you use? I'd love to know your recommendations.

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