Mysteries of Instagram I'll never understand

October 7, 2016

Mysteries of Instagram I'll never understand
There are moments on instagram almost daily that leave me baffled. This is not a rant..oh well, maybe it is..a little bit.  I have personally experienced quite a lot of weird stuff lately and I thought I’d talk about it more here. It has become one of the most widely used apps especially for bloggers and since I spend a lot of time on it, I’m really started to get annoyed with little things that go on there that I’m not sure I know “why” or “how” they happen.

 For example, there are people who…

Like 25 of my pictures and then unfollow me.

Follow and unfollow me within an hour which is a very short frame for me to have even got to my notifications because I’m not on instagram 24-7.

Like each and every one of my photos, everyday but not follow me.

Constantly follow and unfollow me every day of the week. I’ve had huge bloggers do this to me too, so it’s a bit strange to me. I also followed back a few and they still unfollowed. (Lol)

Have thousands of followers and still get the same amount of likes that I do while here I am constantly having mass unfollow attacks, if I may call them that.

I find some of these instances really disrespectful because as a blogger I’m trying to grow my brand just as much as anyone else and sure I haven’t reached the peak of success as some of these people may have but I sure as hell am not doing anything to spam their page or annoy them in anyway. I have specifically unfollowed a couple of people who constantly do this and it would show up in my activity tab. A “famous” blogger was always following people in chunks of ten or more and I had to hit that “unfollow” on her.

That being said, I do a lot of annoying things on instagram too.

I’ll  post a picture and 5 minutes later I’ll decide I don’t like it and delete it. I’ll post it again after half an hour or so after re-editing.

I’m also notorious for deleting photos off my feed that I think don’t fit in anymore and maybe repost them from time to time. Some people swear by “not using old photos on their feed” but personally, I do it sometimes and I think it’s nice to give a picture its recognition which it didn’t get back when I posted it because I had very few followers. And sometimes, I just don’t have anything to post.

Often I’ve noticed that my instagram comments start looking identical on many different posts and that’s totally not on purpose but it’s something I struggle with. I feel like I am more expressive on my keyboard and when I’m commenting on blog posts than on instagram. I can’t get myself to comment more than a couple of words and sometimes I’ll go with “Cute” and “Pretty”. It’s not that I don’t think they’re cute and pretty (let’s be honest, I follow people with some killer feeds) but more often than not I find myself at a loss of words to comment which is pretty unusual for me because I always have so many thoughts and opinions.

I’ve decided to take it easy and do instagram my way. I think sticking to a strict set of rules is never going to work for every one of us out there. So I think finding what works best for me is my goal right now.
So have you experienced anything I talk about in this post? If you have any ways to deal with these particular things, I’d really appreciate if let me know below :)


  1. Many of these things I've never noticed. I delete sometimes very rarely my photos too, but not in 5 minutes, I do it when it has ''a lot'' of likes already hehe. One day I can think that's a very good photo and later I don't understand why I uploud this.

    1. Haha! This comment made me laugh because I' m pretty sure I think the same things as well xx

  2. Hahaha this post made me chuckle!


    Tamara -

  3. There is so many things on Instagram we never find out why... Great post!

  4. I don't use instagram as I don't have an iPhone, but I can definitely see the similarities between some of these points and Twitter. The following and unfollowing is a big annoyance for me, and I imagine it's the same with instagram too! However, I do feel I am missing out a little by not being on instagram - I do miss all of the amazing photography there! - Tasha

    1. Girl, you don't necessarily need an iphone to be on instagram :) It's all about self expression just go ahead post what you like xx

  5. I loved this post!! I related so much to it. Instagram is so difficult to grow for me. But I do think I need to take it slow and just enjoy it again instead of getting swept up in the numbers :)

    Lee -

  6. I totally share your feelings! Great post!


    Lucrezia ♥ (

  7. I've definitely experienced some of these things, and it's nice to know someone else is just as puzzled! I don't take the app so seriously for these reasons. I probably should focus on it more than I do, but so many people are so blase about it, and sometimes I just can't be bothered.

    Amber | y a c h t s m a a n

    1. Absolutely! I can hardly ever keep up with a feed and eventually I end up posting what I like xx

  8. Instagram is a funny cookie right now. I am not even going to start how useless not chronological feed is because it would take all day to write what's wrong with it! I believe that all of the changes that are done on Instagram will actually push people away. Focusing on follow/unfollow can take so much time! I usually do big 'check who follows me' session once a month and then decide who am I going to follow back.

    1. I totally didn't talk about the chronological order because I think I can literally write out a whole post about that hehe..I've just so much to say on that lol I love the idea of a once a month check xx

  9. Interesting post! I like your blog very much and I'll be happy if we start following each other! ;)

  10. I also don't get people following then unfollowing! I've never tracked my follower count before but it's crazy to see someone follow you 3 times within a week haha!
    kathy x

    1. Haha, I track it so that I can monitor my following and get some stats as well but yeah it surprises me everyday LOL

  11. When it comes to Instagram I just try and do my own thing as well, with all the changes lately it seems like no matter what you do you can't really win with Instagram at the moment!

    We all seem to be losing followers left right and centre so I wouldn't worry about it, although it is frustrating!

    1. I totally agree with you. The people who already have a strong following are the only ones who are doing well at the moment.

  12. Great Post, yeah seems like instagram has its own rules which no one can understand...But somehow I love Instagram, gets to see so many inspirational feed out there...xoxo, NEHA

    1. Yeah, I love it too to be honest but it has gotten so hard now :( x

  13. Love this!



  14. These are all so true. I hate the following and the unfollowing. SO annoying and everyone know what they're doing! I say keep doing what you're doing! :)

  15. These things happen to me all the time! I totally understand you!

  16. I totally know what you mean... Sometimes Instagram users are so strange and they do everything to get more followers. I think this is just not what this platform should be about. I just love to share my pictures and see what others are up to :)
    xx, Carmen -

    1. I love your attitude about it. I wish everyone had that xx

  17. The follow and unfollow one is my absolute pet peeve!

  18. I've definitely experienced these things and also don't understand them, but there's not much to do about it. Also agree, they are quite disrespectful. Continue to do your best!


  19. Ah completely agree and have experienced most of these things - I actually follow someone already who keeps following/unfollowing me so they obviously don't realise I followed them in the first place! It can be quite funny but also pretty annoying!
    Amy xx

    1. Hahah, I can only imagine. I have a regular follow/unfollower as well and it's hilarious when the notification comes up on my phone screen that the said person has followed me, AGAIN.

  20. Great post, thank you for sharing. Instagram can be so mysterious! :)

    Camille xo

  21. Everything you've said are all true. Nowadays, I just don't care anymore if some people are unfollowing me. Like my followers count constantly changes. Lol. Nonetheless, I hope you just don't mind them anymore. ;) Hope to hear from you soon!

    Love, Airish
    Gorgeous Glance

  22. All of the above I can relate too. I love your feed on IG. Gemma x

  23. I hate the whole follow-unfollow game that people play on instagram!!! It's pretty frustrating and I just don't get the point of it.

  24. Oh my god THIS IS SO RELATABLE, I hate the people who follow and unfollow you so much. Like what do you think that'll gain?! It really irritates when people lurk my account and like every photo going back YEARS too xx

    1. Oh my gosh! Yes, Those evil people who bring your old, embarrasing photos back into the feed lol

  25. Great article babe! I loved reading it.

    x Merel

  26. This is awesome! Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful week!
    Much love, Len

  27. Ahhh yes. Instagram and followers! It's annoying. I remember the first time a "big" blogger followed me. I was so elated. I didn't realise what was happening until a few months later when I started understanding the following games. They do it to increase their following, then when it reaches a certain amount they unfollow you. I tried doing this myself at one stage but it's hard to keep up. It also didn't feel right to me. I took an absense from the Insta world because a lot of it was starting to annoy me. Now every time I go on all I can see is how many followers I keep losing. I need to post more often but it's hard because I too want to have a certain feel and look about my photos and I feel like most of them just don't cut it so I don't feel inspired to put them up.


    1. I completely understand everything you're talking about. Yeah you can definitely do it but at the moment, most people at least bloggers track their followers. SO maybe they are able to fool normal people by unfollowing them but any blogger is going to notice and unfollow back LOL It's really difficult and a lot more effort goes into this platform than people might think x

    2. I completely understand everything you're talking about. Yeah you can definitely do it but at the moment, most people at least bloggers track their followers. SO maybe they are able to fool normal people by unfollowing them but any blogger is going to notice and unfollow back LOL It's really difficult and a lot more effort goes into this platform than people might think x

  28. Insta is crazy these days, right? And I totally don't get people who follow/unfollow in such a short amount of time- like what are you doing? Haha.

    Le Stylo Rouge

  29. ahahah I am so agree with you ! all is right !

  30. Same! I do not understand those kind of people.
    I love instagram in the way that I can discover people's univers and I love to share with them mine. So when I see guys who just unfollow you 10 sec after you followed them, to me it's not an honest interaction, and they are just businessman/woman.... That's sad actually....



    1. I am definitely looking for honest interactions only and I don't following someone unless I am interested in their content and lifestyle xx

  31. I notice people doing that all the time. They just want the followers. I find it really annoying. I never follow those people back because I know that they will only unfollow afterward.


    1. Me too..I only follow genuine people who I know from twitter or just don't seem to have their following count growing every minute lol.

  32. I love this post! I have experienced everything you are complaining about! Instagram is a fake world and the unfairness is annoying! I have also written a similar post on that topic called "the stupid follow for follow than unfollow game". xoxo

    1. I know! It's becoming more and more difficult to find genuine people on there. I follow a good bunch though and refrain from following back such people so they unfollow on their own in a day lol

  33. You are a girl after my own heart! I totally get it! I feel like lately it's gotten worse! My two cents (after doing some research) is that a lot of the people committing the "crimes" you mentioned are using some bots/apps to do the work for them, hence the inconsistency of liking but not following or following only to unfollow. I agree with how frustrating it is, because it's impossible to know who's organically successful or who's effectively buying their success. Again, I think it's gotten worse the past month or so... Are we IG friends? I can be obtuse and a sporadic checker and sometimes lose track of blog versus IG or both friends. I'm @laurenblair_donovan and I basically only unfollow people I catch unfollowing me ha! Thanks for posting...there needs to be more posts like this and honestly all around about how social media can impact people and how it's used to cheat!! XO

    1. I totally get you! I've become more cautious lately by using apps to moderate my followers etc because otherwise there's no way to know who's genuine and who's not on there. It's essential if you're a blogger and are growing your brand. I have become vary of such people. Yeah, many people are using bots for likes and stuff because sometimes super famous bloggers have liked my posts and I don't know if that was real or bot work because I had never interacted with their account before so it was a bit strange.

  34. I've noticed many of these too! I am particularly curious about the follow/unfollow situation as some people are really into it :) But, those should just be ignored and Instagram should always be fun.

    Ivona from

  35. I had a few people recently go through and like at least 20 of my pictures but then not follow me, they obviously do it hoping you will follow them.

    EmmysBeautyCave | Bloglovin | Blog Header Services

  36. I absolutely loved reading this! Argh! Those follow-me-unfollow-me people are so annoying! WritingMonique

  37. I can relate to so many things you've covered. Instagram is one of the most difficult platforms to grow your following when you play fair. I absolutely hate the follow-unfollow game some people are playing. It is really childish.

    1. Yeah..the people who play fair are the ones who aren't gaining followers as fast :( Especially for new bloggers

  38. These are so funny! I know some people follow, thinking one would follow back... and then they unfollow. Crazy!
    I used to think that it was not ok to post old pictures, and that is why I never had any good pictures... now I found a comfortable place where I share all kinds of pics :)


    Novelstyle Blog

    1. Yay! That's great. I post old pictures sometimes and I find nothing wrong in that :)

  39. haha i agree with you! this post is funny! <3
    x, Ivana

  40. True Story! hahaaha


  41. I love Instagram, it's one of my favourite social media platforms but the follow/unfollow game is so annoying! Plus the following grow at the speed of a snail sometimes even though I am constantly working on my content & post regularly too. Anyway I have also given up on a theme or anything and just stick to posting what I like :D x

    Beauty with charm

    1. Thanks for commenting, ALina! I love your feed :) x

  42. I seriously cannot agree more with this post! All of what you said is what I am so frustrated with as well. I sometimes get a bunch of IG notifications of one person liking 15 of my photos, but doesn't follow me. Or some people would post something, delete it, then post it an hour later, delete it, post again etc. I've also noticed how some people also have a ton of followers, yet only have 20 posts with very few likes each. Which just blows my mind. I love IG but a lot of it frustrates me too haha I definitely just do my own thing as well

    ~Andrea Tiffany~

    1. OH yes! I recently had this twitter conversation about people who always have exactly 20 posts and keep deleting their older ones. I don't see a point in following such accounts.

  43. I totally get what you're saying sweetie, everyone wants to grow their following but the best advice is to stay true to yourself and not waste energy on anything but what you love! Your pics are so pretty! ;)

    Love from London,

  44. Well said I have the same people like my photos but they do not follow what gives? I don't mind being unfollowed but after 24 hours is a little much!

    1. Yeah I agree. If someone unfollows me after a long time it totally makes sense x

  45. I have experienced every single one of things I mentioned, girl. It gets especially frustrating when someone follows and unfollows in 24 hours. I have a full-time job and it's impossible to be on Instagram all the time (even 30min at a time is a luxury). I like what you said about doing it your way ;)
    I have my own way of "keeping up" with IG as I currently cannot do it any other way. 1) I love Instapods - they keep me more responsible and 2) when I catch up, I like every single photo I have missed & try to comment as much as I can. While "cute" or "pretty" are quite lovely words but a comment with a big more substance is always welcome :) It applies to blogs as well. Big time. Really enjoyed this read, lovely.
    xox Nadia

    1. I agree! I've got a life outside of the social media world and I only get to check it 2-3 times a day and not for long and everytime I've noticed these "20k" accounts following unfollowing me all the time which is definitely annoying.I am getting into instapods slowly x I've been in the group for a while Thanks for your helpful comment xx

  46. Believe it or not, IG is still a mystery to me. I still haven't figured it all out as yet! Maybe I never will.

    Face to Curls |

  47. Love the colors of this palette and pretty look!

  48. Since I don't have that huge a following, I don't really care much what happens on Instagram! And I am really picky about who to follow, so my feed is well-curated :)

    1. Ah yes me too! I'm curating my list now as well because the hassle of follow-unfollow is a bit too much.

  49. I don't understand a lot of these things either, that's why I don't use Instagram that much anymore!

  50. Loved this post, what a great idea! I can relate to so many of these and some still puzzle me to this day!

    Gabija |

  51. My favourite is when people like almost every single one of my photos but then they don't follow me? So odd!


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